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Hide details for ContactsContacts
RAGG76AJ9WDWA now imports contacts from outlook and other clients
RKRY8KVLPSA problem existed where there was high CPU processing on first time launch of client with recent contacts. Optimized the code used when processing...
RKRY8LGJLCFixed a problem which occurred when opening collaboration history dialog, it created a business card control twice. First it will create a business...
ACHG8H6DARFixed the issue where a Notes client internal error occurred during: "Dip File Auto Savejob".
JSTN8JAVTB Fixed an issue in the client where vCard import would not include an internet certificate.
ASCR8K6MLK Fixed an issue where Typeahead ranking was not working for users in a local Directory Catalog. (Ranking for groups worked without an...
RHOE8FVKHSFixed an issue in Recent Contacts where the rank order did not reflect the more frequent usage of the mail address. Foe example, it users who were...
TMAI8K7HZNFixed an issue where an optimization to *not* search on control characters was incorrectly identifying the control characters.
RDJS8A5QFTFixed an issue where "Import Contacts" did not map the fields Fullname and Shortname.
RCFE83SJJ4Added an action called More -> Remove Duplicates... which removes duplicated contacts and groups from the Contacts or Mail application. Useful for...
RKRY8LFJZ4Fixed an issue where Notes was crashing when a user clicked the "Resend" button in a Non-Delivery Report and there were multiple names to resend the...
RKRY8JNSPGFixed an issue where Recent Contacts was not treating notes addresses with space after the @ sign as invalid addresses
ASCR855PD6Fixed an issue where Recent Contacts was not updated if a new message arrived with an RFC822 address -- from a user who already had a recent contacts...
ASCR8MRR26Fixed an issue where all groups in Recent Contacts were deleted if a user did a right click / Delete on one of those Groups from the Type Ahead...
JSTN8MXUCMCode will not create a new Recent Contact if the Notes address contains mulitiple adjacent spaces. Existing Recent contact entries will not be...
ICRE8NVQPTFixed a problem where the Edit button was missing for Calendar-only delegates, in the My Contacts view in the owner's Mail file.
CJON8NF9HTFixed the error "Cannot Locate Field Definition For Field: Shimmerfields" which occurred when accessing Mail File contacts.
LWCS8H6MX7Fixed an issue where the Last Name in a very-long contact name (more than 4 'words' in the name) would sometimes appear incorrectly in the Name...
QBJL8P98LFFixed issues related to the Typeahead plugin which were found by the static code analysis tool
QBJL8MUAE3Fixed some issues related to Typeahead, which were found by the static code analysis tool
ALAS7NPTHTFix the issue where the internet address is shown in the typeahead window if the Domain field in the server person-document is empty
WSWS8SRCJFFixed an issue where Notes would crash when accepting an invitation - existing calendar invite sent by another person, but appears to be original...
JYJG8RB976Fixed a problem where the Photo would not display after importing a contact from vCard generated from iPhone.
RGET8RQTYHFixed a problem where large number of deletion stubs remained in Contacts database. With this fix, every 30 days the stubs that are greater than 90...
DBRO87HJN7User can now click on the "Company Name" in a new mailfile contact record, and receive dialog box to select a company name and address (if...
LJGO88WAJ7Fixed an issue where Sametime awareness icon is overlapped with the name in typeahead dialog.
RCFE8KDU37 Fixes issue where Recent Contacts from the primary Notes client are not roamed successfully to server or additional roamed client.
HYAI8F7EFGFixed an issue where dialog boxes / infoboxes in the Client disappeared when
converting characters using IME 2010
GMAA8XCCS4Fixed an issue where "Select Addresses" dialog search does not auto restart when the directory is changed. For mouse user, search will restart when...


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